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Working night shift has really put a damper on my blog life, in addition to making my life very difficult. Pray I am able to find a day shift soon. I know jobs are not plentiful now, but I am a walking zombie, never see my family, not eating, driving all night and the areas are not really safe. So as a request from my whole family, including my Mom I need a new job!
Today I was finally able to get up and move and went to Walgreens! It was wonderful spending time with my daughter! :)
Went in with 5 coupons for 2 dollars off for Dove Deodorant and paid 1.78 x 5 (5 transactions) each one 4.00 rewards, made a quick 20 dollars!!! Love it! My daughter also loved having an extra 20 dollars to spend later too!! (both had 5 coupons each)


Andrea said…
Praying you find a day shift job. I would not even be able to move if I were working nights.
Blessings and prayers, andrea
night shift... worked my way through college working nights... got robbed twice (I worked as a security guard at a hospital...that's where they keep the drugs at 3 AM)

hope your shift work is over soon
Thanks to all of you, I hope to be able to find a day shift soon!