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Peppermint Bath Salts

At Christmas my sisters and I decided to make gifts instead of buying. It was fun coming up with ideas. I gave Peppermint Bath Salts. Its relaxing in a bath and smells great.

Peppermint Bath Salts

1 Bag of epsom salts
Add a few drops of peppermint essential oils. ( 2-3 drops should be enough.)
Pour about half the bag or all of it if you would like to a large bowl and add drops of peppermint. Mix well. Pour into canning jars or a clean mayo jars with caps. The idea is to use what jars and caps you already have on hand. This will make a lot of bath salts, even enough to share with friends.
Add to bath water when you need to feel refreshed.

If you want to spilt Epsom salts in two bowls and add red food coloring to one bowl and layer into a jar and you have candy stripes!
Hey with St. Patricks day coming up, try green food coloring.
