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Freecycle - © FreecycleThe Freecycle Network is a website where you can locally get free stuff or give away your stuff for free.
It's a great way to get free stuff but also a great way to reuse something that might have ended up in a landfill otherwise.
Types of Free Stuff You Can Find on Freecycle:
You can find just about anything for free on Freecycle! Whether your looking for free furniture, baby stuff, collectibles or even free books you'll see them plus a whole lot more on Freecycle
Welcome! The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 5,252 groups with 8,779,114 members around the world. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by entering it into the search box above or by clicking on 'Browse Groups' above the search box. Have fun!
